Welcome to EQMac

This site is the home for the EQMac software, designed to control Skywatcher and certain Atlas equatorial mounts directly from your Mac. Here you will find some basic guides on configuring and using the software, as well as downloads.

If you have any requests, questions, or comments about the software, please use the contact form in the menu, or you can find me on Stargazers' Lounge as OzDave.

Website Updates

Today I added a contact form available from the menu down the left to enable people to get in contact with me more easily. Hopefully this will not result in a huge spam deluge... I am also considering allowing people to register for the website, and once registered you will be able to submit bug reports and post comments on a couple of forums related to the project.

Crashing on Exit?

Some users of EQMac have reported that the last couple of versions have been crashing on exit on Snow Leopard and possibly Lion. Unfortunately I haven't been able to replicate the problem on my own computers. However, I have discovered with the help of others that my recent switch to Apple's latest compiler tools has produced the problem. I will therefore be producing future versions of the software using slightly older tools which seems to resolve the problem.

If you need access to a non-crashing version sooner than I manage to release the next version, please let me know.


EQMac v0.0.5 Released!

Following a successful night of testing, I am releasing v0.0.5 of EQMac which adds Pulse Guiding via integration with PHD. Please see the documentation section for instructions on how to use this new feature.


EQMac v0.0.4 Released!

Announcing the release of v0.0.4, which is a quick update to clean up the window layout slightly to fit smaller screens.


EQMac v0.0.3 Released!

I am pleased to announce the release of v0.0.3, which fixes a bug with the recently added N-point alignment which caused it not to Sync properly. This release also adds the ability to slew using the arrow keys.


Sync Bug in v0.0.2!

It seems there is a bug in v0.0.2 with the Sync function after adding the N-point functionality. This makes the alignment function essentially useless, so I recommend sticking with v0.0.1 for now unless you are in the southern hemisphere and need the bug fixes. As soon as I get some spare time, I will release a bug fix for this.



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